
I'm surrounded by babies lately. My BFF is having a baby (possibly as I type this), my sister-in-law is due this weekend, and other good friends just brought home their adopted baby tonight. Not too mention that approximately 95% of my friends are expecting. Its all just so precious. I may be having baby fever.

Hotel Reservations

Like I mentioned, my mom and I are taking a road trip this weekend. We've been looking up hotels and trying to figure out where we want to go. But, everything just seemed so expensive!

That is, until I looked up this hotel reservations website. We're thinking we want to go to the Black Hills of South Dakota. I found a hotel for $50 a night! I couldn't believe it!

If you're looking for a hotel with specific amenities, such as a swimming pool, fitness center, restaurant, or complimentary breakfast, you can do an advanced search to narrow down the results.

This site offers worldwide destinations and you can save up to 70%!!! That gives you more money to spend once you're there. You can find resorts, motels, hotels, bed & breakfasts, and many other types of vacation rentals. Do you want to do some type of activity while you are there? They can help you with that, too. We're going to Puerto Vallarta in December, so I wanted to see wht we could do while we're there. There's so much to choose from! We could do Rhythms of the Night, a Mexican Fiesta, a canopy eco-adventure, tours of ruins, horseback riding, sunset cruise, jungle buggy ride, and more! It seems like the options are endless! Finding such great deals on these activities just makes me even more excited to go on our trip!

There's even a phone number you can call if you need help. You can book travel packages, which includes flights and lodging. Think of all the places you would travel if you had the time and money. This website gives you more of both. You save time by booking through one website and you save money because they offer such great discounts. I think I might start researching our next trip. Hmmm, Hawaii, Europe, New Zealand? I just can't decide!

Don't forget to check out hotelreservations.com next time you want to book a trip!


Busy, Busy, Busy

I've been so busy lately, I haven't been around much. My mom is here and we've been doing lots of fun things. We've been hiking, kayaking, and of course, shopping! Its been fun, and she's here until Monday morning! We're taking a road trip this weekend!


Business Card Scanner

My dad is a realtor. Real estate is all about networking. On my dad's desk there is a pile of approximately 46,879 business cards. It drives my mom crazy and really is such a clutter. So I could really see how he could use a business card scanner.

This type of scanner works with Microsoft Outlook. You scan a business card and it automatically creates a new contact with all their information. Scan2Contacts is easy to use, too. You just scan the card, wait for it to pop up, and then either edit or save the information. Its the only business card scanning package that does not require cards to be scanned into another application before the information can be transferred to Outlook. Think of all the time you could save by not having to enter each card's information manually into the computer!

It only weights 7.4 ounces and connects via an USB, so no external power is required.

I could see many applications for a business card scanner! People who travel a lot would probably find it pretty useful. I always lose track of small things like cards when traveling, so it sure would be handy to have a laptop with a business card scanner!

I think I know what will be under the Christmas tree for my dad this year!

I've been a little busybee today! I've done 3 loads of laundry, cooked a scrumptious dinner, vacuumed, and cleaned one of the bathrooms. That's all in addition to working! My mom is coming into town for a visit, so I want our place to look really nice. Does anyone have any suggestions for cleaning hardwood floors? Its so hard to keep them nice and shiny.


Who wants a brew?

Me, me, me! I've been interested in home brewing since I had a professor in college who did it. But, I had no idea how to get started or even what it really entailed. I thought it would be super complicated. I didn't know you could buy home brewing kits. I think I'll try one out. It might be fun, and there's some satisfaction in drinking a nice, cold beer that you brewed yourself. Plus, they offer super-fast shipping! If you order before 1pm, the order usually ships the same day! Gotta love that!
Sometimes I hate being a grown up. Sometimes I just want to revert back to my childhood and not worry about anything.

But, there are some fun things that come along with adulthood....I guess. Too bad I can't think of any right now.

Moms are good. Mine always knows just what to say, even if I don't want to hear it. I hope I will be wise like that one day. Family is wonderful too. Seriously, mine is great. I need to remember that more often.

Dogs are good too. Mine seems to know when something is bugging me and just looks at me with those cute little eyes and tries to snuggle.

Trusted Places

Don't you wish that when you traveled you knew which bars and restaurants were worth your time? I mean, you only have so much time and why waste that on a less than desirable place! Well, now there's a site that can help you find out all kinds of information about London bars! Next time to plan on an evening out in London, check out the Trusted Places website first!



Today we went to look at a new Cruiser bike for me. It was so fun! I really really want the Electra Hawaii. It has pedal brakes like all the old school ones. That was a little hard to get used to, I almost crashed once. But, still, it was so much fun, and just feels sooo cool ;)


Black Friday

So who else out there has a love/hate relationship with "Black Friday"? I know I do! I love getting up early and heading out to the stores - and of course, getting all those deals! But, I do not like fighting the crowds, trying to find the deals hidden throughout the stores, and then finding out that store is out of the advertised deal! Searching through the ads on Thanksgiving Day is a pain, too.

If you want to get up before sunrise to go shopping, http://www.black-friday.net/ can help you plan your trip to make the most of your time. You can find out about 2007 Thanksgiving specials online before they are published on Thanksgiving Day! You can even sign up for email alerts to let you know when new deals have been added to the site. But, if you prefer to shop while still wearing your pj's (like me!), the site also links directly to the advertised product so you can buy it online without having to fight those crowds! I'll be checking out Kohls and Target specials for sure!

I'm sure we all have seen those videos of the poor, unfortunate, deal-seeking people waiting outside a Wal-mart on Black Friday. The doors open, people rush in, and those who aren't fast enough are trampled. Don't let that happen to you! My vote for this year is to stay home with a nice up of tea and do my bargain hunting online!
I got an email from my friend saying that she just created a myspace. So, I set up an account (which I don't plan on really using) and thought I would check it out. I searched for my high school, and quite a few people that I graduated with are on there. Funny thing is, as I looked at their pictures, I kept thinking, "Wow, they look really different. Kinda like adults, kinda old." Then, a horrible, horrible thought crossed my mind..."If I think THEY look like that, what do they think about me?" I had to face the fact that I am getting old. Ok, so maybe not that old, but still, it was a weird feeling. I don't look the same as I did in high school. It's been 8 years!

I signed up for PPP!

I love PayPerPost. I posted my first post for PPP on 8/22/07 and have made over $120 already! But, I don't love it just because I earn extra money. I also love it because I am one of the first people to learn about new trends in technology or new products that are coming out. I get to offer my opinion on products and services and spread the word to others about them, too! If that isn't enough, I've also made some really great friends by doing PPP. Other posties re a great resource for information, and everyone I met has been super nice, too!

You should sign up for PPP, too! Its really easy to sign up, and well worth it! Basically, you post blog ads about different products and services, and then get paid for it! Each post is worth anywhere from $5 on up to over $200!

I think my husband smells like an orange cream popsicle right now. Not sure why. We don't have any orange cream popsicles in the house and he says he hasn't eaten any for 5 years, at least.

I received the greatest compliment I think I have ever received over this past weekend. One of my best friends was at my parents house with me, my parents, other friends, and my brothers. We were all sitting around the campfire talking and she randomly said, "I love hanging around this family. You all tell each other all the time that you love each other AND you act like it." I tell ya, it just about brought tears to my eyes. I love my family and I guess I don't always realize how lucky I am to have such an amazing one. I know my brothers and parents would do anything for me, and I feel the same way. My friend said that her family loves each other but they never say it. Her grandma didn't ever say the words "I love you" to her until 3 days before she died. How sad.



I work in the recreation field, more specifically, special events. We've been working on implementing a new, large special event that would require online registration. One concern we've had involves credit card and other information security.

But now, I am going to tell my supervisor to look into RegOnline, which is the only event registration system to have a rank of Level 1 PCI compliance. What does that mean, you ask? Well, it basically means it keeps your registrants' information safe! That's incredibly important to my organization! I mean, can you imagine what a P.R. nightmare it would be if our registrants' information was compromised? I don't know if we would be able to recover.

As someone who has experienced identity theft first-hand, I know seeing this kind of security when giving my information online would make me feel much safer, not to mention more inclined to register.


The pier in Grand Haven, MI. It was beautiful. One of my favorite places, for sure!
We are looking into booking a trip for our anniversary in December. I really want to go somewhere warm. Maybe Mexico? I've heard Puerto Vallarta is nice. My friends' parents live in Cabo, so that could be a possibility. Have you been any of these places? Suggestions for website to book from? Which activities to check out while there?

Electronic Closing

When we closed on our house, I was amazed at the amount of paperwork involved. There seemed to be a never-ending pile of papers! Now, Encomia offers electronic, paperless mortgage closing.

Think about how much easier (and better for the environment) an eclosing would be over the traditional closing process. The closing even takes place on a computer. I really think this is the way things will be done in the future.
I think I may be addicted to reality TV. I love it all! Big Brother, Fat March, The Biggest Loser, The Bachelor, and so many more! Do any of you have this problem? What's your favorite show?

In other news, I am looking into ways to manage this back pain I've been dealing with. I was in a car accident and have been dealing with it ever since. I want to avoid surgery or injections. Ideas? Suggestions?



We have good friends who live in Germany and more who live in Mexico. Most of my husband's extended family lives in Canada. So that means that our long distance bill can get pretty expensive sometimes. We have been searching for a cheap phone card to help cut down on costs.

But, I just heard about Pingo, which offers prepaid international calling cards. I saw that the rate to call Mexico City from the United States using Pingo is only $.03 a minute! And Pingo is a company that has experience in international calling. They handle over 1.1 billion international phone card minutes a month! Pingo also offers a cell phone service that can save you up to 90% on international cell phone calls.

Pingo prepaid calling cards have no hidden fees. Just a$.98 a month account maintenance fee. And no equipment to purchase! I remember when I was in Mexico in college, I used my calling card to call home. My minutes seemed to be getting eaten up pretty fast, so I looked into it and not only was I being charged 8 minutes per call from a pay phone, but I was also being charged for calling from another country!

And, because we all like free stuff...if you refer a friend and they sign up, you get $15! And, you can receive up to 5 hours of FREE international calling just for signing up! Doesn't get much easier!

I also happen to know a special discount code to get you $3 off Pingo. Just use the discount code "ppp3" when you sign up. This deal is too good to pass up!


I'm back from vacation. Its always so hard to go back to work. We have a special event this weekend and its tiring me out. I'll be happy when its over!

In other news, I am getting very excited about my photography! I have started up an etsy shop and can't wait to get that rolling!

I also took an oil painting class and would like to do more of that. Its fun and I think I did pretty well for my first time.

I hope you all are having a good weekend!



Do you know anyone who could benefit from obesity surgery? I do. It can be such a struggle to come to the decision to have weight loss surgery. But, I recently found out about JourneyLite, which helps you from the very beginning of the process all the way through to aftercare. Their website also offers message boards, support groups, recipes, and more. Its such a good idea because it shows you that you are not alone.

That's my nephew in the picture below. He is a joy to be around. So hppy and giggly. He's always babbling about something, or "telling stories." But, he kind of worries me. I don't know much about child development, so maybe there's nothing to worry about, but he's 2 1/2 and hasn't started talking at all. He will just make noises or grunt. Is this normal? My other nephew was talking by the time he was just over one year old.

Wordless Wednesday

Because he is just too precious for words...

Wordless Wednesday


Digital Photography

If you know me, you know I love to take pictures. Pictures of nature, landscapes, friends, family...anything! I just love it! In fact, I have recently started up my own website to sell my prints. And just on Monday, I did my first photo shoot with my neice.

My biggest challenge right now is finding the right camera. I want a new one! There's just so many cameras out there, I just don't know which to choose. I have my eye on a couple models, though. My brother-in-law just got a Cannon Digital Elph, and I love it! So small and sleek, and takes awesome pictures. That would be a great everyday camera. But, I think I'm leaning more towards a Digital SLR so that I can expand my photography business. I think I want a Nikon D40. I just have to save up my pennies!
My vacation is almost over :( I am so not ready to go back to work. I did get good & burned today, though, so that takes a little of the fun out of a day at the beach...


Drug Addiction Forum

Don't we all know or know of someone who struggles with some type of drug addiction? Its such a painful thing to witness. I came across this drug addiction forum where people who are struggling with addictions and their family members can go to share experiences and ask questions about rapid detox treatments for drug addictions. I think its a great site and would definitely recommend it to anyone I know who may be facing addiction. For an addict, getting answers and knowing they are not the only one going through it may make all the difference in the world!

We are tubing down the river today! Should be fun. What are you guys doing for the long weekend?