

We have good friends who live in Germany and more who live in Mexico. Most of my husband's extended family lives in Canada. So that means that our long distance bill can get pretty expensive sometimes. We have been searching for a cheap phone card to help cut down on costs.

But, I just heard about Pingo, which offers prepaid international calling cards. I saw that the rate to call Mexico City from the United States using Pingo is only $.03 a minute! And Pingo is a company that has experience in international calling. They handle over 1.1 billion international phone card minutes a month! Pingo also offers a cell phone service that can save you up to 90% on international cell phone calls.

Pingo prepaid calling cards have no hidden fees. Just a$.98 a month account maintenance fee. And no equipment to purchase! I remember when I was in Mexico in college, I used my calling card to call home. My minutes seemed to be getting eaten up pretty fast, so I looked into it and not only was I being charged 8 minutes per call from a pay phone, but I was also being charged for calling from another country!

And, because we all like free stuff...if you refer a friend and they sign up, you get $15! And, you can receive up to 5 hours of FREE international calling just for signing up! Doesn't get much easier!

I also happen to know a special discount code to get you $3 off Pingo. Just use the discount code "ppp3" when you sign up. This deal is too good to pass up!

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