
Finance Genius

Have you ever had questions about your financial future? How much will you need to save per year to send your child to college or how much will I really end up paying for this trip I'm putting on my credit card? Now, there's a website that can help you with all kinds of financial questions! What about if you have a high interest rate on your auto loan due to bad credit? If you are looking for a Bad Credit Car Refinance, Finance Genius can even help you with that!

Yee Haw!

We went to the rodeo tonight. It was fun. But, I hated hated hated the calf roping. They chase and rope those little calves and then throw them down to tie up thier feet. I did not like it one bit.

On another note, visit cfhusband.blogspot.com. This family could use our thoughts and prayers.


Glasses, anyone?

So, if you know me, you know I'm as blind as a bat. I spend lots of money on contacts and glasses, which sucks! I wear contacts all day every day, but I am so blind, I have to have glasses to wear at night after I take my contacts out. Its time for me to order glasses again, and I was dreading it until I made a Great Discovery: $ 8 Zenni Optical Rx Eyeglassess
$8???? Sign me up!!! They don't use middlemen and have a very small advertising budget, so check them out! And if you like them, tell your friends!


We watched "Fast Food Nation" tonight. I had no idea really what it was about before we watched it. It was so interesting, but so sad at the same time. There were so many different ethical points made in the movie. I would highly suggest seeing it. I'm not sure I'll ever eat ground beef again.


Mexico was soooo beautiful!