

My husband and I always joke that we're so old that our bodies are falling apart. At the ripe old age of 26! Eeek!

About 4 years ago, I was in a car accident. Although I was in no immediate pain, later my neck began to hurt and it turned out I had two bulging discs in my neck. Its since caused pain from my mid-back all the way up to my head. I have dealt with muscle and joint pain at least once a week since.

About 3 years ago, my husband was in an ATV roll-over accident. He injured both knees and had to have arthroscopic surgery. Although his knees are much better than they were, he still often has lingering pain.

So, what do we do for all our pain? We usually use heating pads, muscle relaxers, or ibuprofen. Lately, I've become hooked on this product called Freeze It Gel. Its seriously a miracle! I can't even explain to you fully how much it helps ease my pain. My husband rubs it in on my shoulders and neck, and then on his knees. We both love it. I often use it before bed because it relaxes me enough to help me sleep. Now, Freeze It is holding a contest for a full year's supply! I am so excited! Winning a year's supply would help not only my pain, but also my husbands! I would be able to share the product with my parents and a few friends who also suffer from chronic joint pain! I like this product so much that I just want everyone to know about it! You don't want this guy to be in pain any longer, do you?

Freeze It can alleviate pain from many ailments. Do you know someone who suffers from arthritis? I know I do, and I bet Freeze It would help them carry out thier daily activities with less pain. As I mentioned, the gel also helps alleviate my muscle pain before bed so that I can get restful sleep. And when my husband uses Freeze It on his knees, he says he is able to move with much less pain. His range of movement almost instantly increases. Who do you know who could benefit from this product. Take a minute to watch the Freeze It commercial below.

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