
I saw the funniest thing on the internet today. Or maybe I'm just weird, but I was particularly amused by it. The girl I was working with got a sunburn. She said she really didn't want to peel. So we were looking up cures for sunburns. One page had a few pointers listed as follows:
- Resist the temptation and don’t pick at the skin. Allow the dead skin sheets to detach on their own. (did anyone else cringe at "dead skin sheets"? Ewwww!!!)
And now, the funny part. Point #2 was:
- Consider covering up with clothing to stop other people from picking at your peeling skin.
AHHHH! So gross! Is that really a problem? Like if I'm peeling and I'm walking through a store wearing a tank top, are random people going to be picking at my peeling skin??? LOL!!! That's disgusting!

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